Join the most exclusive CRT mobility concierge club in the world with Alleviation Institute’s private-pay concierge service. Medicare may not have coverage for the state-of-the-art equipment you need, but our concierge service is designed to provide unmatched personal care. By paying a direct retainer fee, you’ll enjoy benefits that simply can’t be found with traditional health insurance. Experience the ultimate in care and convenience with Alleviation Institute’s concierge service. Join our elite group of members today.
Increasingly rare in complex rehabilitation, this personal touch ensures every request is understood and executed effectively across all aspects of life. For convenience, all requests with this membership level are answered during our regular business hours.
Advantages of Independent CRT Mobility Concierge Care:
- Personalized Service: Independent ATPs often provide more personalized and attentive service. A concierge care approach can offer tailored solutions and a higher level of attention to individual needs.
- Flexibility: Concierge care models can be more flexible in terms of services offered and scheduling, which can be appealing to those who have specific requirements or busy schedules.
- Avoiding Bureaucracy: Medicare and other insurance programs can involve a lot of paperwork and administrative hurdles. Some clients may prefer to avoid this complexity and opt for a simpler, direct payment arrangement.
- Choice of Equipment: Clients may have preferences for specific brands or models of assistive technology equipment that may not be covered by Medicare. A concierge care model allows for more choice in equipment selection.
- Access to Expertise: Independent ATPs often have a wealth of knowledge and experience. Clients who value the expertise and guidance of an independent expert may be willing to pay for it directly.
- Timely Service: With a concierge care approach, clients may receive quicker service and more immediate attention to their needs.
Some of the benefits of the Essential Membership include:
- Every concierge member will receive a one-to-one personal contact, known as an Essentials manager, who will familiarise themselves with their member’s rehabilitation history and aspirations.
- 3 scheduled visits up to one hour each, including direct access to our Engstrom Concept adjustments, diagnostics, and minor repairs if necessary
- Fitting adjustments and practice sessions with White Glove equipment delivery
- Pressure mapping assessment to determine which wheelchair or equipment provides the most optimal pressure relief
- Wheelchair movement skills evaluation
- Complimentary remote consulting on new equipment
- Complimentary evaluation of seating and positioning
- Complimentary assessment of equipment and home modifications
- Complimentary travel arrangements consulting
- Special discounted prices on new mobility equipment and battery replacements
- Special discounted price on labor rates
- Fitting adjustments and practice sessions when new equipment is delivered
- Client education and training
If you are currently using your own mobility equipment, our concierge can provide direct access with:
- Positioning issues or a wheelchair that no longer supports you properly
- Adaptations to increase the sense of safety and security
- Comfort modifications to allow pressure sores to heal or minimize the risk of recurrence
- Changes in your equilibrium and stability that may require equipment changes